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    Public consultations

    At the EIB, we attach particular importance to being open and actively listening to and engaging with those interested in what we do. We organise formal public consultations on relevant key corporate and sectoral policies, which are typically of interest to wider stakeholder communities. The objectives of public consultations are in particular:

    • To benefit from the expertise of a wide range of individuals and organisations and receive valuable inputs into policy development;
    • To reinforce the transparency and accountability of the EIB.

    How the public consultation process works

    The EIB announces all public consultations below. Every public consultation has a dedicated web page where all relevant information can be found.

    At least one public consultation meeting is held during the consultation process to enable a direct dialogue between EIB staff and interested stakeholders. All contributions received during the public consultation period (generally 8-12 weeks) are published on the dedicated web page.  The EIB’s reasoned response to all contributions are attached to a public consultation report that summarises the public consultation process.

    After the public consultation closes, the draft policy is published on the dedicated public consultation web page at least 15 working days prior to approval by the relevant EIB governing body, along with the public consultation report. After approval, we publish the final policy on the EIB website.

    Every public consultation process is tailored. Please visit the dedicated page of the relevant public consultation for more specific information.

    Other types of stakeholder engagement

    The EIB organises workshops and other types of dialogue with external stakeholders and civil society in particular. See Civil Society and Stakeholder Engagement for more information.

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