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    Attractive pricing

    Attractive pricing, reflecting the EIB’s advantageous funding conditions on the market. 


    Long terms

    Long financing terms that match the economic life of each project – which can sometimes exceed 30 years!


    Bespoke financing

    Loans can be secured or unsecured and provide different levels of subordination.


    Project support

    We offer expertise in the financial and technical aspects of preparing a project.


    Signalling effect

    The EIB’s financing is often seen as a quality stamp, helping the project attract additional investors.

    Who is eligible

    • Sovereign states
    • National agencies, departments, institutions and ministries
    • Regional or local authorities
    • Public sector companies (e.g. utilities)

    What is eligible

    Investment costs, typically over a period of up to three years, but can even be longer. The EU bank typically covers up to 50% of a project’s total cost with EIB loans starting at €25 million.

    Find information on pricing, geographical availability and other terms. Depending on the project, it may also qualify for support under our mandates or third party resources.

    Project cycle

    A project financed by EIB typically goes through seven major stages: proposal, appraisal, approval, signature, disbursement, monitoring/reporting and repayment.

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