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    The EIB offers a variety of guarantee instruments, covering risks of a single or several projects. Our guarantees unlock additional financing for small- and medium-sized enterprises or mid-caps by covering a portion of possible losses from a portfolio of loans. In some cases, the Bank also guarantees possible losses from a project to unlock additional investments


    Bespoke financing

    Funded or unfunded guarantee structures can both be considered.


    Risk mitigation

    Credit risk protection and possible reduction of the portfolio’s economic capital allocation.


    Flexible tenors

    Tenor of the guarantee linked to the maturity profile of the underlying exposure.


    Signalling effect

    The EIB’s financing is often seen as a quality stamp, helping the project attract additional investors.

    Subordinated financing, funded or unfunded guarantees and contingent credit lines designed to enhance the credit quality/credit rating of the senior debt. 

    Project finance


    Lending to clients of all sizes to support sustainable growth and job creation


    Through our investments in equity and funds we stimulate and catalyse private capital


    Covering risks of large and small projects, as well as loan portfolios

    Advisory services  

    Technical and financial expertise for our clients

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