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    Transport sectors

    The rail projects we finance span a broad spectrum, from the construction and modernisation of tracks and stations, to electrification. We also support the acquisition and modernisation of passenger and freight rolling stock, maintenance depots and rail terminals that combine rail with other modes of transport.

    In addition to developing rail transport infrastructure and an interconnected European rail network, we help to accelerate innovation in the rail sector. Backed by guarantees from the European Commission, we support cutting-edge, innovative rail projects that drive the development of a strong, competitive rail transport industry.

    This comprehensive approach reflects our commitment to advancing the efficiency and sustainability of rail infrastructure in alignment with the European Commission’s European Year of Rail 2021 initiative, which highlighted the benefits of rail as a sustainable, smart and safe means of transport.

    Through our Green Rail Investment Platform, we support investments fostering rail transport growth and competitiveness. The platform also aims at financing of investments due to addressing decarbonisation challenges by expanding electrification and introducing new technologies.

    The EIB's supports road projects aimed at improving traffic flows within a multimodal strategy, rehabilitating existing roads and improving road safety, notably on TEN-T and in cohesion regions with less developed networks.

    In the case of urban roads, the EIB supports investments within the context of a sustainable urban mobility plan.

    The promotion of sustainable urban mobility (including active modes like walking and cycling) is extensively supported by the EIB in coherence with EU policy.

    Projects are expected to help in reducing congestion and negative environmental externalities whilst also delivering wider social and economic benefits through either, the promotion of a modal shift from private cars to more sustainable transport modes and/or improvements in transport efficiency, including intermodality, automation, digitalization and conversion to zero-emission vehicles.

    The Bank offers also advisory support through JASPERS, ELENA and the EIAH to tackle investment barriers in the sector and to improve the quality and soundness of projects.

    The deployment of innovative technology, crossing over from other sectors such as telecommunication, energy and robotics, is playing an increasing role in the Bank’s approach to transport. Electromobility and alternative fuels such as hydrogen are becoming more and more pivotal to limiting the impacts of climate change.

    Digitalisation helps to make better use of public space and is triggering new mobility services such as car sharing or ride hailing. Autonomous vehicles in freight transport, urban air mobility and passenger transport on demand are also increasingly changing the way people live and do business.

    The EIB supports zero emission aircraft and drones as well as the associated infrastructure.

    Following the Climate Bank Roadmap, the EIB does not support any increases in airport capacity.

    The Bank will however, continue to support the modernistation and greening of the aviation sector. We can provide financing to environmental and operational resilience investments in airports and air navigation services, including health measures to prevent the spread of disease, explicit decarbonisation measures and safety and security investments.

    We support port and inland waterway infrastructure, with the exception of facilities dedicated to the transport and storage of fossil fuels. The EIB also supports the transition of the marine and inland waterway fleet towards a low- and zero-carbon trajectory with the financing of both new builds and the retrofitting of existing vessels.

    Contact us

    Do you need finance or technical assistance for your project?

    We offer a wide range of financial products, as well as technical assistance through the European Investment Advisory Hub and the European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC)

    Do you have a question?

    For enquiries regarding the financing facilities, activity, organisation and objectives of the EIB, contact the Information Desk
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    Tel.  +352 4379-22000
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    Tel.  +352 43791
    [email protected]

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